So, first post. What to say? Something inspirational? How about I just borrow from someone else?
"The glory of God is man fully alive" - Saint Irenaeus
I've realised more just this weekend, at home sick, than I think I have over the past almost a year of living in Sydney. I've been living by faith, but not really, if you get my drift? I've been trying to do all this, and save my own preverbial butt in my own strength, all the while hoping and praying that God would step in. How did I expect Him to step in, when I'm not giving Him any room to do so?
This life is a battle. I realise that more now. The evil one comes to steal and destroy, and I've been letting him get me good. He's stolen my joy and my peace, my security and my hope. Right now, I claim that all back in Jesus' name! Satan has no hold over me! I am a princess of the King! I have hope that only God can bring, and I claim that in the power given to me by my Father - the King of Kings!
So, today, I write.. I am going to step back from my crazed 'keeping the financial boat afloat' schemes, and let God be God. I'm going to spend time with Him each day, basking in His presence, and just sit at His feet, do nothing but BE in love with Him. I'm gonna stop being frustrated and angry at Him, and see that He is longing to set me free, if I'd only let Him. He has pulled through every single time I've called on His name, and I say now, I expect Him to pull through in my current situation. I'm claiming back the hope I have let satan steal, I'm claiming back my joy that he has destroyed, and letting Jesus restore that. I'm claiming back the peace I have as God's child, I'm claiming back the security I have knowing that God is my dad, and HE is faithful and true. I'm gonna listen to His voice, I'm going to let Him love me.
This is WAR!!!!
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