Monday, March 12, 2007

So, since yesterday's post.. I've spent some time with God, gone to work even though I am sick, got sent home early, eaten dinner and gotten ready for some more time with God before heading to bed earlier than usual. Other than the usual things, I've had a better than average day.. God is good!
Today I received 2 cheques from a friend of a friend of mine, who I haven't even met. One was a cheque for a large sum of money to help with my monthly costs, which I have a gap in at the moment.. and the other cheque was also for a generous amount for me personally... which has been such a blessing to me! I also received a cheque from one of my regular and very generous supporters, as a special gift to helping me out with things. On top of those blessings (which just completely made my day, let me tell you!), I also got paid from some casual teaching I did last week, which I got told I may not get paid for because my approval had expired.. so it's such a blessing to actually get paid from that!
My God is an awesome God!

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