Monday, September 10, 2007

Huggers' Rules of Engagement:

1. A hugger shall be available to hug at a moment's notice
2. Hugs lasting less than one second are 'huggettes' and do not constitute real hugs
3. One-armed hugs are like one-handed clapping. They may look like the real thing, but they don't mean much
4. A hugger shall not combine a hug with a tickle
5. Huggers shall refrain from hugging when it would hold up the line in front of the fried chicken at all-you-can-eat buffets
6. A hugger shall let go when asked to do so (unless he or she is attending a convention of Velcro salespeople and letting go is not an option)
7. While there is no set time limit on a hug it is important to note that hugs lasting longer than two hours (other than as stated above) might be symptomatic of Lockarm Disease. Similar to Lockjaw, Lockarm prevents its victims from releasing hugs on their own. In more serious cases, a hugectomy may be required