Friday, October 16, 2009

How time flies! Over a year since I made an entry here. Lots of things happen in a year... lots of changes and lots of things that were new that are now reserved for the 'normal' pile :)

Been listening to Matthew West this afternoon after finishing school, and listening to his song "Something to Say", I was reminded that my life is a testament to God's goodness, and I need to say that more often! Since coming to live here, some things, I'm ashamed to admit, I've started to take for granted... mostly linked with the financial stability of living here. Being able to get a meal for $1.30 is something you'd never be able to get anywhere else in the world, going to the movies for free, but only having a choice of one or two English movies each week... the randomness of life here has become normal. I've realised that here, it's particularly important to learn to listen to my body, to make sure that I'm looking after myself and my health. I guess I'd come to expect that others would pull me up on things when I wasn't doing well, and as such, I surrendered my responsibility over my own life. But my health is my responsibility, and I'm learning that it's an art, a learned skill, to listen to your body, and know what kinds of decisions need to be made to keep that delicate balance!

I have so many thoughts running around my head, lots of what-ifs, lots of questions and ponderings.. I really must remember to post more often! But for now, it's goodbye!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Wow. Been in Qatar over a week, and decided it was time to resurrect my online blog! I'm teaching year 3 at Dukhan English School, and my students start on Sunday.
Settling into my new home is going well, and I have internet, tv, a land line phone and a printer now, so I'm feeling a bit more connected to the world!! :)
Hope to be posting on here a bit more regularly, and will probably do some changes, me thinks. :) Keep your eyes peeled!!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Back from Thailand...

So, I landed back on Australian soil yesterday (Sunday) at 1.15pm, and was just de-boarding the plane at 1.35pm due to delays caused by a sick fellow-passenger who had to be cleared by quarantine before the rest of us could de-board the plane. Good ole' Quarantine making sure none of us are carrying any infectious diseases! Then there was a massive lineup at Customs (which I'm told is entirely normal) and at baggage collection.

Then finally, about 2.30pm, I was able to locate my friend Keryn, in the massive group of people waiting for passengers arriving.. which was awesome! On the way home, we stopped to get a few groceries, some petrol and some lunch, and arrived at my place about 4pm. Relief!

More updates when my pics are finished uploading to my computer.. :) Good to sleep in my own bed!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Year, new beginnings

So, the beginning of 2008 has arrived... made some new years resolutions, hopefully and prayerfully will make it through 2008 and be able to keep them. Been also thinking about the last few years of my life, and about how things have changed. How many of my friends are either having their 1st, 2nd or 3rd children, buying a house/unit/townhouse, enjoying married life, getting married, getting engaged, or finding someone special. And how none of that is happening in my life right now. Funny how life doesn't quite turn out how you planned, eh?!

Anyhow, time for more thoughts later, time for bed now. Bless anyone who reads this.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Huggers' Rules of Engagement:

1. A hugger shall be available to hug at a moment's notice
2. Hugs lasting less than one second are 'huggettes' and do not constitute real hugs
3. One-armed hugs are like one-handed clapping. They may look like the real thing, but they don't mean much
4. A hugger shall not combine a hug with a tickle
5. Huggers shall refrain from hugging when it would hold up the line in front of the fried chicken at all-you-can-eat buffets
6. A hugger shall let go when asked to do so (unless he or she is attending a convention of Velcro salespeople and letting go is not an option)
7. While there is no set time limit on a hug it is important to note that hugs lasting longer than two hours (other than as stated above) might be symptomatic of Lockarm Disease. Similar to Lockjaw, Lockarm prevents its victims from releasing hugs on their own. In more serious cases, a hugectomy may be required

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

So, praise God! I sold my little red car, AND got the price I wanted! God is good, all the time!

Monday, August 20, 2007

The day after a long, busy, depressive weekend. Don't get me wrong - there were a lot of good points, including sunshine on Saturday, and great fellowship at church last night. But there was also a complete set of things that when combined, make a good recipe for discouragement.

How do I feel today? Still discouraged, really weary - really bad sleep last night, and like i just want to curl up and hide from the world. Can I? Please?